Atlas Multimídia de Anomalias

by Conexão Soluções Corporativas


46.99 usd

The Brazilian Society of Ultrasound owes its relevance in the national and international context to the presidents who conducted it with wide scope and in a referential way. Initially I would like to thank those responsible for this conduction prof. doctor Waldemar Naves do Amaral, Prof. doctor Rui Gilberto Ferreira and Prof. doctor Sang Choon Cha for the honor of jointly participating in this work.In the early 90s, when I started my studies in Fetal Medicine, textbooks related to the area of ​​ultrasound and fetal anomalies were very rare. Currently, with the fast means of communication and the availability of photos on the Internet, ultrasound images and other diagnostic methods have become more accessible for doctors and even for patients. Even so, an Atlas enables a more comprehensive and scientific approach to the subject being studied. For this book, part of these images are the result of years of archiving from various diagnostic and fetal medicine centers.Thanks to the professors and doctors responsible for these services: Hospital Guilherme Álvaro (Prof. Dr. Antonio Guilherme Moreira Porto, Prof. Dr. João Carlos Simões and Prof. Dr. Francisco Lázaro Pereira de Souza), Conceptus ABC (Dr. Rogério G. R. Guidoni, Dr. Milton Saito, Dr. Francisco A. Porto Filho and Dr. Ana Letícia S Pontes); Hospital Samaritano (Prof. Dr. Renato S Assad and Prof. Dr. Teresa Uras Belem); Hospital da Luz (Prof. Dr. José Luiz C Carneiro Jr and Dr. André de S Malho); Maternal Support (Prof. Dr. Nahor Pedroso Filho); Ipiranga Hospital (Prof. Dr. Marcos Tadeu Garcia and Prof. Dr. Marcelo A. N. Gusmão); Hospital Sepaco (Dr. Raimundo Nunes and Dr. Nuno Nunes) and Hospital Estivadores Santos (Prof. Dr. Julio Cesar Massonetto).Thanks also to the Preceptors, Doctors and Members of Unimef Conceptus-São Paulo (in particular Dr. Ana Letícia S. Pontes, Dr. Tatiana Barbosa Pellegrini and Dr. Sara Soldera Modenez and assistant Sheila R F Morikawa). Thanks to the Former Residents and Interns of our services. Eternal gratitude to medical friends for their constant support (Prof. Dr. Carlos A. Del Roy, Dr. René Kusabara, Dr. Hugo Bernardini Jr., Dr. Alfredo F. V. Pommella and José Accetta Filho). Finally, thanks to the family and in particular to his wife Ana Letícia and the children for their patience and support. Marcel and Murilo, Mauricio Saito